Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wicked Problem Project

My audience is 7th grade middle school math students.  Students will be provided with instruction, lessons, and practice activities for mastery of the slope-intercept form.  My second audience is other middle school math teachers.  This project is to help other middle school math teacher who need additional resources relating to the slope-intercept form.  I would also present this project to fellow teachers at a professional development meeting that our school has for the math department.  This project is beneficial to all 7th grade middle school math students and middle school math teachers, as it deals with a concept that students struggle with.  It provides additional resources for the targeted audience.

7th Grade math students struggling with slope-intercept form.

Students will have a better understanding of the content standards using technology (TPACK). Various technology resources will be used such as the Smartboard, students will also be accessing a webquest and online interactives using their individual laptop computers to help them better understand the slope-intercept form.

Blog Post Part A (Description of Need or Opportunity): Click Here
Blog Post Part B (Application of TPACK): Click Here

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The "Wicked Problem" that I am addressing is a concept my 7th grade math students struggle with, the slope-intercept form.  When teaching this concept to students they struggled with the y-intercept and how to graph the slope of the line from the y-intercept.  Students also have a difficult time with the linear equation of the slope-intercept form y = mx + b.  By realizing what students are struggling with it is my job to fix and tweak my lesson so students have a better understanding of the concept.   What makes this a "Wicked Problem" is that most students come into 7th grade not having any background knowledge on slope-intercept form so it is my job as their 7th grade math teacher to do a thorough job teaching this concept.  By using traditional instruction and incorporating the use of technology this "Wicked Problem" provides visual representation, verbal explanation and actively involving the students in the lesson.

A Research study done at the University of Western Sydney by Catherine Attard finds that "the use of computer technology in the mathematics classroom has the potential to enhance students' learning and have a positive impact on their engagement when used appropriately." Her study reveals that math lessons need to continue to "emphasize math ideas and concepts rather than on teaching the processes of using the technology."  My lesson will include direct teacher instruction on the concept of slope-intercept form but will engage the students and require them to interact with technology to practice the concepts and achieve mastery.  This lesson which I planned this summer will be taught in the winter of next year.  At the end of the unit a student assessment will be administered to indicate the success of this project.  

The solution to this "Wicked Problem" with slope-intercept form is finding great resources using technology to help teach this concept.  This lesson using technology, content and pedagogy (TPACK) will help students have a better understanding of the slope intercept form.  Students will get a good grasp of the content standards they need to know through the smartboard lesson, webquest and online interactives.  This lesson is based on using many technology devices such as the smartboard, students individual laptops, wireless internet in the classroom and resources on the internet.  This lesson supports the UDL Framework as it meets individual students needs.  Every student is provided with the technology they need through the school.  The specific resources online show visual representation where students will be listening and interacting with the computer.  The first solution to help students better understand this "Wicked Problem" is the introduction of the concept by the teacher using the smartboard and a lesson from SMART Exchange on slope-intercept form.  This lesson has detailed visual examples and will allow me to give a good in-depth instruction and clarify any questions students might have.  Students will take notes on the lesson presented in class from the smartboard.  Next, students will be using their own laptop computers to access this webquest.  Students will be exploring and get a deeper understanding of the slope-intercept form.  When students are done with their task on the webquest they will create their own example of a linear function from what they learned in class and on the webquest.  The final solution to this "Wicked Problem" will require students to use their own laptop computer to do online interactives relating to slope intercept form.  When students get to this part in the lesson they should fully understand the concepts learned in class and on the computers.  This overall "Wicked Problem" using technology will engage students learning on slope-intercept form.


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